Logfile_dump Week 10/22
What a busy week at work! Last week started our Saturday shifts for the season which takes up a good chunk of project time from me. This week I won’t have a daily breakdown of what I did, I’ll just list everything out: Watched more Network+ and SC-900 videos Started planning a project to run ethernet lines throughout the house. As it currently stands, 98% of everything in my house is on WiFi (a lot of IoT devices), and I want to get away from some of that.
2 min read
Logfile_dump Week 9/22
Sunday 02/27 Bought a new monitor! The Samsung 27" T350. First time having multiple monitors. Wrong product, still happy, not going to complain. (Best Buy had it labeled wrong, but I’m not bitter about it. I’M NOT BITTER ABOUT IT.) Monday - Thursday 02/28-03/03 Went through the Antisyphon Training’s SOC Skills class. Will do a review on it once I re-watch the videos in the coming couple of weeks. Friday 03/04 Worked on my FIDO2 mini project.
1 min read
FIDO2 As Login
I’m a huge fan of FIDO2. I use my FIDO2 key on every account I can. I have a stand-alone FIDO2 USB, I have two of the Nitrokey 3’s (that will eventually also be able to serve as FIDO2, GPG key storage, limited password manager, etc., but currently only has FIDO2), and a hardware password manager that also has some cool FIDO2 implementation with it. I can’t get enough of these things!
7 min read