
Logfile_dump Week 13/22

Helllooooo! This week I got in all of the stuff to run ethernet through my residence. I’ll be measuring out the runs now that everything is prepped for it, and the last thing I need is a drywall saw and I’ll be good! Should be finished by next weekened. I’ll end up running between eight and twelve lines so hopefully it goes smoothly and I don’t have major issues making the plugs.
3 min read

Logfile_dump Week 12/22

This week I spent a lot of time working on the BHIS Zine challenges, both of which have their own unique difficulties. In “Choose Wisely” I had a hell of a time finishing the picross puzzle, so much so that I turned to an online picross solver to finish it. I continually ran into an issue in one section of the puzzle; I realized a couple of times that I wrote down the codes wrong so I fixed that but after erasing so many times the page in the magazine became unusable for the puzzle.
2 min read

Logfile_dump Week 11/22

It has been a mindnumbingly busy week at work. Here’s some of what I did outside of it: I got the BHIS zine in and cracked the cipher in their cipher issue. (Side note, I wish they’d put the issue number in there somewhere.) I managed to get into the CTF website, but didn’t try out the challenges in there yet. I’ve decided that Go is going to be the programming language for me.
3 min read