Logfile_dump Week 16/22
This week, it’s been a week. A calendar week. I have potentially big news, but until the ink dries I can’t say specifics. But keep an eye on the blog for updates! This week I took a course of regular expressions. Having been mystified by them for quite some time, I now feel like I have some understanding of how they work, but because I’m not parsing text on a daily basis I haven’t developed a familiarity with them to the point where I’m comfortable saying “I know how to use regex.
4 min read
Logfile_dump Week 15/22
Really not feeling this post this week. Still dealing with pretty bad food poisoning that started Friday evening, so all of the time I had to do projects kinda fell to the wayside because I didn’t have the energy. I did try to get the sweet combo of RITA/Zeek/MongoDB/Bettercap up and running on my raspberry pi again. I got Bettercap running which was the hurdle I had last time I tried, but now it seems that my RITA installation ain’t feeling it.
1 min read
Logfile_dump Week 14/22
Four things for this week! First, I’m trying to tackle vim. More specifically, Neo vim. While somewhat old, I stumbled upon Daniel Miessler’s Vim Config Update: 2019 Edition that has peaked my interest. While I’m certainly no avimionado (get it? Aficionado + vim?) I do like some of the tweaks that can be done to vim, and really navigation isn’t that difficult and I know how to exit, so there’s not a lot stopping me from learning more.
2 min read