Getting VMWare Workstation Installed on Pop! os
I have been having problems with VirtualBox. As a part of my new job, I have been using various virtual machines to test things, analyze malware, CTF resources, an AD lab, etc. This has included both Linux and Windows VMs. While I was getting a set of Windows and Linux VMs set up for a malware analysis course I’m taking (from TCM, their Practical Malware Analysis & Triage course), I ran into an issue with Virtual Box in trying to set up the configuration to be the same as the one in the course.
2 min read
Logfile_dump Week 25/22
It’s been a couple weeks since I’ve posted. Not sorry. I’m getting into the swing of things at my new job. It’s going very well, and I’m enjoying it a lot. Currently I’m focusing mostly on just dealing with tickets and alerts while familiarizing myself with the environment. I’ve also continuted going through various Try Hack Me rooms, and am taking a course on Active Directory which will eventually lead to helping prepare for the eJPT and PNPT.
1 min read
Logfile_dump Week 23/22
Sorry, sorry. I got too distracted by Sonic 2 and Letterkenny to post a blog on time. Second week officially in IT, first full five-day work week. In. The. Bag. My office is fully set up now that I have a chair and floor mat, and I’m narrowing down the best timing (for me) to alternate between sitting and standing. Spent a couple days doing 30 minute intervals and a couple at 45 minutes, so far I’m leaning towards 30.
3 min read