
A+ Review

Sometime last year, I decided that I wanted to get into information security. I have no post-high school education, my limited college education had nothing to do with computers, and I’ve spent the entirety of my working life in retail or warehouse work. Once I decided to make the jump, the first thing that I read was that I need to build my foundational knowledge, and that the A+ is the most basic of basic stuff that people should know.
4 min read

Logfile_dump Week 5/22

This was the final week before taking my A+ 1002 exam, so that guided the majority of my time. Sunday 01/30 I finally took the time to get my website started! Big thanks to Graham Helton for the inspiration. I still have no idea what I’m doing but at least I got it started. Monday 01/31 Studied for my A+ exam. I’m watching Professor Messer videos since I already finished those from Mik Meyers and ITPro.
3 min read

Hello World

I’ve had blogs in the past for various reasons, including a WordPress blog for infosec that had like a grand total of three posts. I hate WordPress. So I deleted it, and made this one instead. Have fun checking this out!
1 min read