Logfile_dump Week 8/22
Sunday Did a couple of Try Hack Me rooms. Monday Started some SC-900 videos. Got an Obsidian.md sync account. My Obsidian vaults are where I take my notes for studying different course material, but I still use Standard Notes for everything else. The main reason I did this is that the Obsidian platform is very intuitive for taking notes, and because it allows for the referencing of different entries by entire notes, sections, tags, etc.
2 min read
Logfile_dump Week 7/22
This week was a little different, as I didn’t have any large projects I took on. However, here’s a brain dump of what I did for the week: Started watching Network+ course videos from Mike Meyers and ITPro.TV. I’m currently not scheduling to sit the exam, however I will at some point this year. Finished the audio book version of Phillip Wylie’s and Kim Crawley’s book “The Pentester Blueprint”. Listened to Black Hills 02/11 podcast episode.
3 min read
Logfile_dump Week 6/22
Sunday 02/06 Listened to Black Hills 02/04 podcast episode Worked on website layout more so that blog posts will be at the top instead of my crappy About me post. Also added links to find me at the top. Monday 02/07 Began watching the Microsoft MS-900 course from ITPro.TV. This will be the first Microsoft-specific course (as opposed to the totally-not-a-Microsoft course that A+ is) that I watch, and I’ll eventually go through a few others from Microsoft.
2 min read