Logfile_dump Week 9/22
1 min read
Sunday 02/27
- Bought a new monitor! The Samsung 27" T350. First time having multiple monitors. Wrong product, still happy, not going to complain. (Best Buy had it labeled wrong, but I’m not bitter about it. I’M NOT BITTER ABOUT IT.)
Monday - Thursday 02/28-03/03
- Went through the Antisyphon Training’s SOC Skills class. Will do a review on it once I re-watch the videos in the coming couple of weeks.
Friday 03/04
- Worked on my FIDO2 mini project.
Saturday 03/05
- Published my FIDO2 blog.
- Set up an internal network in Virtualbox to allow my Kali VM to be connected to the internet and have Vulnhub machines firewalled off. I used this blog series as a guide.