Logfile_dump Week 8/22
2 min read
- Did a couple of Try Hack Me rooms.
- Started some SC-900 videos.
- Got an Obsidian.md sync account. My Obsidian vaults are where I take my notes for studying different course material, but I still use Standard Notes for everything else. The main reason I did this is that the Obsidian platform is very intuitive for taking notes, and because it allows for the referencing of different entries by entire notes, sections, tags, etc., it allows for me to tie everything together. For Standard Notes, it’s still got some of that same functionality via tags, folders, things of that nature, but it’s not as easily tied together. Standard Notes also has replaced my spreadsheet processor and has some cool features outside of just markdown notes.
- Not much, just videos.
- Completed the Try Hack Me Jr Security Analyst Intro room.
- Restructured my Net+ notes.
- Added DNSCrypt to my pi hole using this guide. Let’s hope it doesn’t break anything!
- I had a “snow day” today at work and so I spent some time going down the DNS paranoia rabbit hole. Here’s a good article I found about DNS over HTTPS (DoH). I’m not going to implement a DoT solution (yet, at least!) until I play around with rolling my own DNS in a VM to figure out what I’m doing, but there is some good insight in the article.
- Finished the networking section on the INE PTS Prerequisites course.
- Did a couple of the steps on the Hack the Box Academy “bash scripting” module.
- Found out about the Cyber Insecurity Python training video series that recently started.
- Got VMWare installed (big fan of Virtual Box over here…) for the Antisyphon SOC course I’m taking next week.
- Finished Tier 0 on the Hack the Box Starter Path. I had started it a while ago before they had it in different tiers, but they’ve revamped it since then adding all the tiers and extra boxes, etc. I had only two rooms left, so I did those today.
- Started Kim Crawley’s “8 Steps to Better Security” audio book.
- Finished the INE PTS Prerequesits course. Next is the scripting section! Luckily I’ve been doing bash and python, not sure how I feel about adding C++ into the mix. I’ve read that it’s not really necessary for the eJPT exam so I might skip that one section.