Logfile_dump Week 23/22

3 min read

Sorry, sorry. I got too distracted by Sonic 2 and Letterkenny to post a blog on time.

Second week officially in IT, first full five-day work week. In. The. Bag.

My office is fully set up now that I have a chair and floor mat, and I’m narrowing down the best timing (for me) to alternate between sitting and standing. Spent a couple days doing 30 minute intervals and a couple at 45 minutes, so far I’m leaning towards 30.

One thing I miss from being in the warehouse is that I could listen to podcasts all day; I spent some time looking for the best (for me!) FOSS podcast app and there have been pros and cons to a lot of them. One I found was damn-near perfect called CPod. It’s one that I’m going to keep my eye on, but unfortunately I can’t figure out how to get the episode titles to show up, which for the number of podcasts I’m subscribed to is a dealbreaker. If that gets resolved (not holding my breath due to it being a little while since commits have been made) or I get the time to fix it myself (also not holding my breath since I don’t know what I’m doing) that’ll be a quick switch for me. However, the best looking podcast app that I’ve found so far is GNOME Podcasts. The design is not the best to me, but it has all the functionality that I’m looking for.

I’ve started to complete more TryHackMe rooms. After going back and forth looking at the content for the INE PTSv2 course and some of the THM paths, it seems to cover a lot of the same material (including a number of the same tools), and there’s absolutely no reason to not use the THM rooms instead of the (still bad) INE labs. My line of thinking is to follow the THM jr. Penetration Tester and Offensive Pentesting paths, followed by Wreath and then potentially trying for Hack the Box’s Diablo, and once I finish those I’ll schedule my eJPT exam.

For work, I set up a detonation chamber VM (based around Flare). Haven’t had to use it yet but I’d rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it. Plus this will give me the ability to experiment with analysis for HTB challenges.

For some housekeeping stuff, these updates will likely start coming out on Mondays. The reason for this being that now I’m going to be at home more so I can take the time to write these, and can actually take the weekends off.

Other than that, try to get some fresh air this week!