Logfile_dump Week 22/22

2 min read

A day late but not a day wasted.

Last week was my first week at my first infosec job. This clearly means that I’m now an expert in the field and am above reproach.

For my first week, it was a lot of getting access to the tools and learning the interfaces and dashboards, which (so far!) has seemed like a piece of cake. I spent some time getting my work computer configured and email filters in place, and things are starting to feel like I actually work here. And switching from a warehouse job to working from home… wow talk about a life-changing experience! The frist day I woke up and felt like I was doing something wrong because I didn’t have to chug my coffee and bolt out the door. Just the switch from having to wake up at 5am to 7am was magical.

Aside from jumping on a few of the alerts that came through, I spent a lot of time doing some training courses. The first, and what I spent most of the time on, was the new INE PTSv2 course. It’s a vast improvement over their original course simply because it’s based on actual living people doing the presentations as opposed to the death-by-powerpoint. There are still some issues with the labs (just let me connect with a VPN on my host machine and I think it will fix the problems, I swear!) and the videos are not done by professional speakers so there’s some awkwardness there, but overall it’s actually a useable course now. (That’s not a dig at Alexis and Josh, I’m not a professional speaker either and they did a fine job.) I also spent a little time working through a Powershell course on Udemy and the Getting Started in Security course.

Outside of work, I was able to attend most of the Dallas Hackers Association meeting this month. Good times.