Logfile_dump Week 18/22

2 min read

This week marked the “first week” at my new job! Kind of!

In an effort to help my former job out (since after all this is an internal transfer), I am still going to remain there until June. I’ll be slowly picking more and more things up at my new job, and then when June hits it’ll be full-force working-in-my-pjs mode. I started getting the equipment in so I can now see how my office will actually be laid out. Once all the equipment gets here, I might share what my workspace looks like since I’m really happy with it so far.

This weekend I managed to find some time to do a Hack the Box room, Academy:

Hack the Box info card for Academy. Linux OS, Release Date of 07 Nov 2020, Easy Difficulty, Machine State of Retired

This box is certainly not the most difficult oen in the world, but it was still fun nonetheless. I actually picked it because I thought it was going to be similar to the TCM-Sec box from his Practical Ethical Hacking course, but it ended up being completely different, which was nice. I’m not going to post a write-up for it because that’s one area I still want to focus on improving, but there are plenty of good ones out there if you happen to get stuck.

I also got a new ereader from Boox, and I’m so happy I switched from my Kindle. I uploaded all of the PDF files from No Starch Press that I’ve accumulated through Humble Bundle and regular purchases, and the reading experience has been a lot better than using epub or mobi formats in my opinion. It’s certainly closer to the actual book this way, and since I got the medium-size device it’s got the same amount of realestate for text as most physical books I own. There are still things I want to change in it through ADB (getting rid of all the Google crap) but overall I’m very happy with it.

As my transition into my new role gets closer, I’ll be able to focus more on infosec so these blogs will be better, and I’ll have more content than just weekly recaps. I’m very much looking forward to it.