Logfile_dump Week 14/22
Four things for this week!
First, I’m trying to tackle vim. More specifically, Neo vim. While somewhat old, I stumbled upon Daniel Miessler’s Vim Config Update: 2019 Edition that has peaked my interest. While I’m certainly no avimionado (get it? Aficionado + vim?) I do like some of the tweaks that can be done to vim, and really navigation isn’t that difficult and I know how to exit, so there’s not a lot stopping me from learning more. In fact, this blog post right here is written in vim! Previously they’ve all been written in nano. Can you tell the difference?
Second, I’ve started rewatching the Antisyphon Intro to SOC course in preparation for the Getting Started in Security course that I’m taking May 16th-19th, and the Regular Expressions course I’m taking on the 20th.
Third, I started the project of running ethernet through my house. Why did y’all let me do this?? I did one run of four lines and that alone took me around four hours, and then getting the terminations done took another one or two. And when I began testing them… one of the wires didn’t work! I saw a pretty sharp kink in it before I started running it, so I’m guessing it’s broken on the inside as I reterminated both ends and still had the same problem. That being said, getting a new line in its place should be pretty easy, relatively speaking. Having never run cable before I was worried about puncturing electrical lines, and in one spot I came pretty close (talk about luck!). Then in the second spot I was drilling in my attick there was an extra 2"x4" that I had to drill through, which was too long for my drill bit so I had to make a run to the tool shop to buy a longer bit.
I also found out that where my second run is going is covered up by about six inches of the plywood platform. I’ll have to cut that one section back before I can get started on it. This run is a straight shot though so it should be more simple.
The fourth thing is that I set up my terminal (Terminator) color scheme to match Hack the Box. I really like those colors, so I got it all set and am really enjoying it. It definitely makes working in the terminal more enjoyable!