Logfile_dump Week 13/22
This week I got in all of the stuff to run ethernet through my residence. I’ll be measuring out the runs now that everything is prepped for it, and the last thing I need is a drywall saw and I’ll be good! Should be finished by next weekened. I’ll end up running between eight and twelve lines so hopefully it goes smoothly and I don’t have major issues making the plugs.
For actual cybersecurity stuff, I ran into a problem with INE’s new lab format (again). Instead of starting up the box and dumping me into the desktop it asked me to log into their Apache account. At this point, I’m so frustrated with the platform I might just do all of my learning elsewhere and be done with them after the eJPT. They took “don’t fix what isn’t broke” and said “well let’s just break it first” and ran with it. Pretty disappointing when I had high hopes for them.
I continued watching some of Rana Khalil’s videos after I signed up for her academy. I find her videos to be easy to follow, and a great supplement to the Portswigger Academy and the webapp tester’s handbook that I mentioned last week.
I finished watching the video course for the SC-900. I understand why it may be good for someone to watch it if they’re getting ready to work with Microsoft’s stuff, but wow… talk about boring. Not a single course I tried to watch was able to hold my attention for more than ten minutes so I forced myself to suffer through one, and I felt like I was being marketed to the entire time. From what I can tell, it looks like the SC-900 is the Microsoft-branded version of CompTIA’s Security+, and their SC-200 is their version of the CySa+, so I think I’ll just stick with that learning content. But honestly, after how great the Antisyphon Training I took was, I can’t see myself paying for anything else other than for their stuff. (And whatever else TCM puts out because I love their shit too.)
Didn’t do much with Golang this week. I did (once again) recreate my Kali source machine to center most of the tools around golang, and because I had found some cool terminal stuff (that I heard about on the “Go Time” podcast interview they did with the Co-Founder) I wanted to give it a fresh start. I think I’m pretty happy with how it turned out. I might share my dotfiles at some point, but they aren’t too special.
On the note of the charm.sh stuff, I did have an idea of setting up a terminal user interface to run different scripts and stuff for CTFs and bug bounties (when I get to that point). But I’m pretty far out from getting that done.
That’s about it for last week! Duces.