Logfile_dump Week 10/22

2 min read

What a busy week at work! Last week started our Saturday shifts for the season which takes up a good chunk of project time from me. This week I won’t have a daily breakdown of what I did, I’ll just list everything out:

  • Watched more Network+ and SC-900 videos
  • Started planning a project to run ethernet lines throughout the house. As it currently stands, 98% of everything in my house is on WiFi (a lot of IoT devices), and I want to get away from some of that. I’ll be looking at running cat6 into a few rooms where we have most of the ethernet-ready devices in preparation for setting up a home office as I seek work-from-home employment.
  • Reconfigured my terminal on my host OS. I use Pop-os as my daily driver, and while I love it I hate the default terminal. I had switched to zsh a while ago in a Terminator terminal emulator, but had also installed oh-my-zsh along with it. So this project was about uninstalling OMZ and learning how to confuligure things myself. This is in part an effort to de-bloat my computer, but also serves a doubles purpose for helping me become more familiar with bash scripting.
    • So while I don’t use OMZ anymore, I do use a very simple plugin manager called zsh_unplugged that works quite well.
  • I also started over my Kali VM, again predominantly in an effort to remove a lot of bloat. I set up essentially the same terminal configuration but added a few more aliases, and added some different programs, shortcuts, and other things that I’ve learned in the last few months. This was a big focus for me this week since I just set up the “cyber lab” the week prior.
  • I also completed a number of boxes on Hack the Box: Appointment, Bike, Crocodile, Ignition, and Sequel, along with finding out they have Blue Team challenges so I finished Chase from that list.
    • Goal is to have Starting Point Tier 1 finished by the end of the week, and hopefully have a couple more Blue Team challenges done.