I Lied
I lied.
If you so choose to go back and read “Post Def Con Plans”, you may notice that I mentioned I wanted to start doing “malware of the day” type posts. You may also have noticed I sure have not done that. I also have made very little progress on learning C.
Such is life.
I did however take (and pass!) the certs I mentioned, so at least I’m not totally a liar.
But I think if I’m honest with myself, content creation isn’t my forte. I think planning on sticking to a regular scheduled program is something that will never happen and isn’t realistic for me, and that’s totally fine.
So here’s what I’m going to do instead. I’m going to… wait for it… start an entirely new project instead!
I still want to go through the MalDev Academy course, but my progress on learning C has stalled out due to me just not really wanting to learn C. So I took the TCM Rust 101 course and am going to start focusing on that instead. While Rust is going to be my main language, I also want to stay sharp with Python, as well as have a cursory understanding of other languages like C, Nim, and maybe Go. In that respect, when I have time, I’ll work towards converting projects I’ve previously published on my github into Rust and maybe eventually one of the other languages. Those other languages are not my priority right now, so I’m not going to stress about translating them on a certain timeline.
To kick this off, I took a project I wrote in Python for work for converting a time to 24-hour UTC from my local time of CST and published that, along with a few translations, to my github. These projects are going to live in a new repo that’s going to serve as a “collection of junk,” so I’ll be migrating some existing repos inside of it and generally working on organizing things there. This repo? Psychic-Couscous. Yup.
I’m also going to publish a few other projects there. In an effort to practice the languages without always having some specific tool I’m working towards, I’m going to publish solutions to Exercism’s 48in24 challenge as well as things for Advent of Code.
But let’s be real, that’s going to be a year-long project at least. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.