Advent of Code 2023 Day 1 Rust
I want to start off by saying, “I don’t know rust.” Not a shocker of a statement, I know. I know very little programming/scripting, what I do know is very limited (I’m most familiar with bash, I know a little python). Diving into rust, then, is a big endeavor. I’m starting this by going through 2023’s Advent of Code. The big problem is, I don’t even really know what questions to ask to work my way through the challenges.
8 min read
I Lied
I lied. If you so choose to go back and read “Post Def Con Plans”, you may notice that I mentioned I wanted to start doing “malware of the day” type posts. You may also have noticed I sure have not done that. I also have made very little progress on learning C. Such is life. I did however take (and pass!) the certs I mentioned, so at least I’m not totally a liar.
2 min read
PJMR, ECMAP, and Malware Stuff
As of today, August 30th, I have earned both the Practical Junior Malware Researcher and the eLearnSecurity Certified Malware Analysis Professional (now retired). I wanted to take the opportunity to talk about the training courses, thoughts, and word vomit about these two for a little bit. I started this journey when I purchased the TCM course “Practical Malware Analysis and Triage.” This really sparked my interest in malware analysis and reverse engineering, and I gotta say it’s a fantastic introduction.
5 min read